Creating and Sustaining a Diverse Business Environment
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport creates and sustains a business environment that enables disadvantaged, minority and women-owned business enterprises (D/M/WBE) to compete fairly for business opportunities and achieve economic success, contributing to <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a>'s overall mission of expanding economic benefits.
Our Process
- A three-fold purpose:
- To ensure increased availability of disadvantaged, minority and women-owned business enterprises;
- To ensure the integrity of the D/M/WBE Programs and that the business process is implemented for its intended purposes; and,
- To ensure the integrity of the D/M/WBE firms participating in Airport procurements, as well as other diversity and inclusion initiatives offered by the Airport.
- In order to count the participation of D/M/WBE firms towards a contract goal, the D/M/WBE must be certified by one of the approved certification agencies noted below:
- North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA)
- Dallas Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (皇冠官方app下载MSDC)
- Women's Business Council Southwest (WBCS)
- TX DOT (DBE/ACDBE Directory)
Bidders/Proposers must submit Certification Certificates for all D/M/WBEs proposed to be utilized to meet the contract goal at the time of bid/proposal submission. If a firm is not certified by an approved certification agency at the time of bid/proposal submission, <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> will not count the participation towards the contract goal.
Bidders and proposers must use all available D/M/WBE Directories to assist them in locating D/M/WBEs for the work required on the contract. The <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> Airport's D/M/WBE Directory is available online as one of various resources.
A D/M/WBE certification does not constitute a representation or warranty as to the qualifications or capabilities of any certified firm.
Effective 6/1/20, in addition to having a valid certification from one of the entities listed above, MBEs and WBEs must have a place of business in the Airport’s market area at the time the firm is submitted for credit towards meeting a contract goal. The Airport’s market area is defined as Dallas, Tarrant, Collin and Denton counties. Documentation establishing a firm’s place of business must be provided upon request.
Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Learn more about what it takes to do business with 皇冠官方app下载. General requirements for Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载, Vendor Registration, M/WBE Program, Insurance & Bonding, Badging and Construction Safety Manual.
Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Learn more about what it takes to do business with 皇冠官方app下载. General requirements for Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载, Vendor Registration, M/WBE Program, Insurance & Bonding, Badging and Construction Safety Manual.
Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Learn more about what it takes to do business with 皇冠官方app下载. General requirements for Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载, Vendor Registration, M/WBE Program, Insurance & Bonding, Badging and Construction Safety Manual.
Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Learn more about what it takes to do business with 皇冠官方app下载. General requirements for Doing Business with 皇冠官方app下载, Vendor Registration, M/WBE Program, Insurance & Bonding, Badging and Construction Safety Manual.
Series program for doing business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Capacity Building Program Series
As part of our commitment to serve as a catalyst for the growth of small, minority and women-owned businesses, <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> is excited to offer the Capacity Building Program series designed to provide business skills training and guidance on doing business with <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a>.
Capacity Building Program Series
Series program for doing business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
As part of our commitment to serve as a catalyst for the growth of small, minority and women-owned businesses, <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> is excited to offer the Capacity Building Program series designed to provide business skills training and guidance on doing business with <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a>.

Series program for doing business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
Capacity Building Program Series
As part of our commitment to serve as a catalyst for the growth of small, minority and women-owned businesses, <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> is excited to offer the Capacity Building Program series designed to provide business skills training and guidance on doing business with <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a>.
Capacity Building Program Series
Series program for doing business with 皇冠官方app下载 Airport
As part of our commitment to serve as a catalyst for the growth of small, minority and women-owned businesses, <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a> is excited to offer the Capacity Building Program series designed to provide business skills training and guidance on doing business with <a href=''>皇冠官方app下载</a>.
Business Resources
These resources are compiled by the Business Diversity & Development department of 皇冠官方app下载. The following resources are listed in alphabetical order and will be updated as information is being received.
Business Resources
These resources are compiled by the Business Diversity & Development department of 皇冠官方app下载. The following resources are listed in alphabetical order and will be updated as information is being received.
Business Resources
These resources are compiled by the Business Diversity & Development department of 皇冠官方app下载. The following resources are listed in alphabetical order and will be updated as information is being received.
Business Resources
These resources are compiled by the Business Diversity & Development department of 皇冠官方app下载. The following resources are listed in alphabetical order and will be updated as information is being received.
Contact the BDD Team
If you have questions for the 皇冠官方app下载 Business Diversity & Developement team, please send us an email.